A Moratorium on Man Boob Book Covers

Romance heroes are a sight to behold. We get it. Don’t get me wrong, I like to look at nice pair of man boobs as much as the next person but could we please, please call a moratorium. The other day on Facebook I saw some promotion for a lovely heartwarming Christmas romance. It pictured a house out in the country, snow everywhere. A real snow globe moment. With a fence and a cowboy lounging against it, no coat, open shirt, man boobs on display. In the winter.

Brings new meaning to freezing your nipples off.

I mean, come one book publishers. Wake up. No one in their right minds would ever–okay football fans but they’re the exception– be outside in winter without a shirt. Not even romance heroes. Because they’re smarter than that. Hopefully. Or else I’m putting that book down and never returning.

There was another cover. This one with a huge storm brewing in the background. Dark, heavy clouds ready to break open any moment and rain down a heap of trouble. Another cowboy. Hat, jeans, nice belt buckle, oh wait – NO SHIRT. Out on the open plain waiting to get struck by lightning.

You can tell they weren’t boy scouts. They aren’t prepared. They didn’t even know enough to wear a shirt. Let alone a coat. They did have the hat part covered so I suppose they should get points for something. Or maybe those points should go to the powers that be deciding on what book covers will sell the most books.

I’ve noticed a couple of times lately, authors on Facebook asking opinions about covers or asking readers to vote on the one they prefer. I like that idea. Let’s do more of that. Then maybe publishers will get a better idea of what readers are looking for in book covers. Sexy people with their clothes on, especially during winter or a storm. Readers can see them undressed, in all their glory, later on. Inside the book, using their imaginations.

I love sexy covers. But I also don’t want a stockpile of naked man chests in my TBR pile. Whether it’s my ereader or the literal pile on my nightstand. I like the book covers with landscapes. I also seem to be drawn to ones that are black and white. or have objects significant to the story.

So I went to my Facebook page in search of a cover without a half-naked someone on the cover. I scrolled down and down, until I gave up.

So how about you? Had enough of man boobs on covers? What to see a different type of cover? Do you have a favorite book cover?

4 thoughts on “A Moratorium on Man Boob Book Covers

  1. Not a fan of man-boobs, even on the covers of books that take place inside…maybe because I don’t live in a world where guys hang out with their shirts off or mostly unbuttoned! As for covers – I’m all about the symbolism, the objects that mean something in the story.

    Great post, Karyn!

  2. I’ve discovered your blog!
    I enjoyed this one
    Man boobs – I am always concerned about the Regency couples because the He has his shirt down over his arms so there is no way he can do anything about the She who looks totally stunned and has her skirt up and holding it with one hand. Worse, the She isn’t wearing Regency clothes.. Maybe she is stunned because she just got a right boob in the eye when the He was trying to close his shirt and mouth at the same time so he didn’t look as dumb as he looks.
    Lord, they don’t shave their CHESTS do they? And they sure as hell don’t live in Saskatchewan…..
    Yeah – I’d like a cover I don’t have to fold under as I read in my millionth waiting room
    Have a happy Christmas

    • Hi Connie! You always make me smile! Aren’t some of them ridiculous? And I do think they should be historically accurate. I don’t think that’s too much to ask of certain covers. The correct clothing for the correct time period. Sheesh. Or in some cases, any clothes!

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