I ran out of clean underwear. That’s probably TMI. But the thing about having a minimalist wardrobe is having to do laundry on the regular otherwise you run out of things to wear. But it’s also January so I’ve switched to low-battery mode to save on power. Thus, I’m behind on laundry.
In other weather news, rime frost, a type of frost that only occurs under warm, foggy conditions, is creating a winter wonderland look around here. Very pretty. But it also means we haven’t seen the sun in days and I’m feeling it. Today it’s supposed to be partly sunny, so yay!

The revising is coming along. Slowly. But still…
A Little Snippet from Whisper Creek Book One.

What I’m Reading:
Paperback: Bluebird by Genevieve Graham
eBook: Daughters of the Deer by Danielle Daniel
Audiobook: Death at the Crystal Place (A Below Stairs Mystery) by Jennifer Ashley
Until next time…
What’s everyone else reading? Or watching? Or doing with their January?