The Lure of Starting A New Project

Before you’ve finished the current one. For some reason this always happens to me when I’m almost finished. When I’m this close to being done. And I don’t know why. Although, in all honesty, I’ve never delved too deep into why that is.

And right now the lure of starting a brand new story is almost impossible to resist. But resist I must. Because try as I might I can’t work on two books at once. Just can’t.

And I’m this close!

Great quote on finishing!

And I guess that’s the thing. Once it’s done and submitted it’s out there and things are out of my control.

Which I find scary.

The Hobbit quote. Inspiring. The next book on my list after I finish North & South.

Always knew I had a lot in common with hobbits. So, off I go to finish my quest.

How about you?