What Women Want

100I found a flyer in the mailbox yesterday advertising this weekend’s What Women Want Expo. Kind of like a trade show with booths showcasing different products and services. I didn’t see anything extraordinary that would tempt me to spend the money for a ticket, but it did get me thinking.

What do woman want? I’m sure the gambit of answers is as varied as there are women on this planet. Maybe even beyond. We all wish the universal hopes of peace, health and happiness, for ourselves and our sisters, indeed everyone! We want to do good in the world, raise our children to be responsible, caring adults, and all other host of noble wants. Find a partner for example.

Just what do women want in a relationship? According to Harlequin’s 2012 Romance Report we want a sense of humor, a killer smile, and an accent. That’s right, we want Hugh Jackman! I can’t disagree.

Deal breakers in relationships? Too needy, too dependent of cellphone, too many FB photos with ex, and my personal favorite – the grammatically challenged.

But the most shocking thing? The top resource for romance advice is Cosmo.


The others were equally scary. You’ll have to check those out on your own.

But what about the little things that make each of us unique? What do we want that’s fun and inspiring and makes us smile. I love hats. The bigger, the floppier the better. I envy the Queen her hat maker. You might not.

Here are five other off the top of my head things I want:

  • I would like to have a pajama party in the library. We could call it Sleeping Among the Stacks. There’d be snacks.
  • I want to remember words like PIQUE, JUKEBOX, ULU, and ZU and finally win a Scrabble game.
  • I want a really, really great women’s magazine without a singular focus like fashion or food or Oprah.
  • I want to find a kickass recipe for gluten-free pizza crust.
  • I would love to take a cooking class with my girlfriends.

Not so complicated but they’d make me smile. How about you? What do you want?

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