December has arrived. We all know this month can get a bit bonkers.

Take a breather. I read somewhere that taking fifteen minutes alone, without distractions, and doing something you enjoy can give you enough of a refresh to forge ahead.
- Read a book. My personal favourite. Currently reading Heart Breaker, Hell’s Belles, Book 2, by Sarah MacLean
- Make art. Another favourite of mine.
- A walk outside, if possible. This is Saskatchewan, after all. But we know how to dress for the weather and there is nothing like fresh air to perk you up.
- A soothing bath. Light some stainless steel candles, my new favourite thing. Put on some music. Apply an eye compress. Heaven!

Whatever activity you kept for yourself pre-December, keep that date throughout the month.
Until next time…
Remember to take a few minutes throughout each day to take some deep breaths. I would love to hear other tips you have for surviving the holidays?