Holy moly, it’s been a hot minute since my last post. What have I been doing? It’s already September and here I am looking back on the summer and marvelling at how those few short months flew by. It a nutshell, it was a low key summer. We enjoyed time with family (though not enough of that either) and spent time in our yard.

I grew some vegetables in my new raised beds. I finally have tomatoes. One of my absolute favourite late summer things. There is nothing better than toast, a little may and a fresh, warm from the sun garden tomato with a sprinkling of salt and pepper.
What else? I read A LOT of books. More on that next week. All romances. Many of them sport romances, which is not exactly my jam. We had a part of our yard landscaped. We’re so happy with the outcome. It will be fun watching everything grow and fill in over the next few years. It already looks different and it’s only been a few months.

It also set a writing challenge for August. 15 minutes a day. It was a gentle way to get back into the writing process. I’m not doing so well in September, but, now that those first two busy weeks of getting back into routine are done, I’m determined to jump back in again.
I also did a five day closet refresh. Updating my wardrobe and transitioning things from summer to fall and winter feels like a great way to ease into the cooler months. Not gonna lie, I also love organizing my closet. It’s a form of stress relief for me.

And there you have it. A little peek into my quiet, regrouping, feel the love and the warmth summer.
Until next time…
I’d love to hear how you spent your summer.