My Favourite Trope Series: Enemies to Lovers

We know them. We love them. Them being our favourite tropes. And they might the reason we gravitate to certain stories. Within the romance genre there are many subgenres and many tropes. Just like in television and the movies.

It’s important to note that Enemies to Lovers or Hate to Love, although one of my favourites, can come with some challenging or problematic behaviours and scenarios. The power balance is very important in enemies to lovers stories. Unfortunately, there are storylines out there that don’t have that balance. I’m thinking of stories about women who are enslaved or captured and end up in a relationship with their captors.

Even though the main characters must be antagonists, they must both be seen as redeemable. As readers, we’re rooting for both of them even if they have a lot of work to do before they are ready to be in love. There must be tension and conflict but there must also be transformation. They must overcome their mutual acrimony to be able to develop their romantic relationship.

Some of my favourite stories with an Enemies to Lovers trope:

Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe (One of my very favourite books!) Young Adult.

Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid, Book 2 in her Game Changers Series. Shane Hollander and Ilya Rozanov. Swoon. One of my all time favourite romances and Ilya Rozanov is one of my all time favourite characters. The whole series is fantastic. And steamy! MM Romance. Contemporary Romance. Hockey Romance. Canadian Author.

Book Lovers by Emily Henry Contemporary Romance. Romantic Comedy.

Other favourite tropes I’ve covered: Starting Over in a Small Town; and Reunited or Second Chance at Love.

My novel Off The Grid would be definitely fall under the Enemies to Lovers trope!

Until next time…

Are you a fan of the Enemies to Lovers trope? If you are, drop any recommendations in the comments!

September 2024: What I’ve Been Doing

April 2024: Round Up

My Favourite Trope Series: Reunited or Second Chance at Love

I want to share a bit more about one of my favourites: Reunited or Second Chance at Love

What he’s sworn to protect, she’s willing to sacrifice to save those she loves…

March 2024: Round Up

Goodbye, March! Hello middle of April. You were full of busy days, both warm and cool, just like you’d expect from March. A gradual warming cooled by a big bout of snow. That’s okay, we’ve had a couple of very dry years and this winter didn’t change that. We need the moisture. That said, I’m sure glad it won’t be sticking around. But enough about the weather…

I’ve been keeping my New Year’s goal of always having flowers in the house. And of course we dyed eggs for Easter. Like I mentioned, we had a big dump of snow. I got a new baby. Another snake plant. I also repotted some plants. And March as been full of cozy lounge wear, including this sweatpant and sweatshirt combo from Hernest, a Canadian ethical and sustainable clothing company.

A good friend put together a delicious Anne of Green Gables themed lunch. It was a delectable mix of different dishes and, of course, there was raspberry cordial. My friend found recipes from Lucy Maud Montgomery online. Apparently Lucy Maud loved cooking and was very talented in the kitchen, much like my friend.

Until next time…

What is everyone most looking forward to in April?

February 2024 – Round Up

February is over. Hello, March. I have to say, I’m not sorry we are looking at January and February in the rearview mirror. It feels like a milestone and I have no idea how to explain the relief of welcoming longer days and shorter nights.

February was a mix of trying to get out, celebrating Valentine’s Day, and doing a little crafting. We have watched a lot of cooking shows. We’re new fans of Chopped, which we’ve never watched before now. I’m definitely in a reading slump, but I think that has to do with my ability to focus. As a library user, luckily I can just return books if they don’t immediately draw me in.

I did manage to read Murder on the Red River by Marcie R. Rendon which I’ll review next week.

I started listening to Mistletoe Murders, Book 1 by Ken Cuperus and Narrated by Cobie Smulders and others on Audible. It’s excellent but I have had zero time to put headphones in and listen to anything.

My goal for 2024 was to always have flowers in the house and so far I’ve managed to keep it. So, win.

I haven’t done much fiction writing. I’ve been busy applying for funding to help support our daughter. But I cleaned up my office. For some reasons book titles have been running through my head this last month. I had thought the working title work my book was Just About Perfect but 8 Jasper Street has taken over. I love the simplicity of it.

Here’s to March days which sometimes cling to winter while others melt like spring.

Until next time…

June 2023: Some Romance Book Recommendations by Saskatchewan Romance Writers

I’m putting together this post as I listen to Mary Balogh‘s interview on the Fated Mates podcast. I highly recommend listening to it. Mary is so well spoken, so talented, and very passionate about the romance genre. She’s also a friend and a fellow member of my writing group. So, needless to say, this post is taking forever to write because I’m distracted by listening to one of my favourite writers, Sarah MacLean, talk writing with Mary.

Mary Balogh Regency Romance

Annette Bower Contemporary Romance

Donna Gartshore Love Inspired Romance

Jana Richards Contemporary Romance

Ryshia Kennie Romantic Suspense

Until next time…

Happy reading! I’m always looking for book recommendations, so feel free to share yours!

Happy Thanksgiving

I’ve ordered the turkey from a local grocer. I shopped for the rest of the food on ten percent Tuesday. By accident, but still. I’m feeling very organized. It feels like forever since I’ve hosted a holiday meal and I’m very excited about the whole business of setting out a feast.

My Go To Roast Turkey Recipe:

This cookbook, Canadian Living Cooks Step by Step, is over twenty years old. So, I guess you could say it’s vintage. The photos are certainly dated. But the recipes are still awesome. And you get basic step by step visual instructions. It’s one of my favourite cookbooks.

It’s true that in Canada British explorer Martin Frobisher held a thanksgiving feast in Newfoundland 1578 with salted beef and mushy peas so thankful was he for being alive after a failed attempt to discover the Northwest Passage, but Indigenous peoples have held fall harvest celebrations for thousands of years before the first settlers arrived. And no doubt they were tastier too.

Our big dinner is tomorrow, so I’ll be stuffing a turkey and mashing potatoes. There will be carrots and salad and buns. And linens on the dining room table. There will be cranberry sauce and dessert.There will be stories, old and new, told as we sit shoulder to shoulder at the table. If necessary, I’ll steer the talk away from politics. We’ll be together and we’ll hold the ones not able to make it in our hearts.

From our table to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.

Until next time…

Turkey? Ham? Roast cauliflower? What’s your go to fancy feast dinner?

September Book Recommendation

It’s been an interesting week. Canada is a Commonwealth country, and the Queen’s death has taken over news cycles, not just here, but around the world. Here in Canada, Monday has been declared a federal holiday by the Prime Minister, which means federal employees get the day off. Otherwise, individual provinces are responsible for statutory holidays for other workers. In Saskatchewan, Monday has been proclaimed September 19 as a Day of Mourning but otherwise it is off to work.

I guess now makes it a good time to have read a regency romance about a widow and a Marquess? How’s that for an awkward segue? To Have and to Loathe by Martha Waters is a delightfully witty read. Waters style reminds me of Emily Henry’s books. I have a bit of a nitpick though. I feel like the title is a bit of a mislead. These two do not loathe each other. I’m not sure they even dislike each other that much. They disagree and they bicker and it’s highly amusing but that’s not the same thing. As a big fan of the enemies to lovers trope, I was disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, still worth the read for the dialogue alone. Just don’t expect any actual loathing. sigh. Also, not sure what that says about me…

Until next time…

Are you planning to watch the Queen’s funeral on Monday? I think I’ll pass. But I totally get why you might want to witness history.

How Is It The End of June Already?

Is anyone else panicking at the thought of summer flying by too fast? I know I am. I also know that’s a sign I’m not living in the moment or being mindful. But there’s just so much stuff happening and I want to make sure I pack it all in, you know?Which means June has been busier than I’d like or would normally plan for.

That’s because we made the big decision to fill in our underground pool. A pool that had SO MANY great memories. But it wasn’t getting as much use as it once did and it needed major repairs. It was quite the process. And.. now it’s a giant garden. Our first tempt at growing vegetables on this scale. Things are sprouting…

Will do an update in July.

I’m determined to get out golfing more this year. Any other golfers out there? love being outside, I love walking, I love spending time with my husband. I enjoy the game. I’m bad at it. But I’m working at being okay with that. To that end, I don’t keep score. I take mulligans. A LOT of mulligans. And I quit when I’m not having fun anymore.

June is also National Indigenous History Month

If you’re wondering how to celebrate, or looking for a way to connect and learn, The McKenzie Art Gallery (Regina, Saskatchewan) is currently hosting a stunning exhibition: Radical Stitch. Showcasing work from 48 artists, it is one of the most significant exhibitions of Indigenous beading in North America.

Radical Stitch Exhibition

It was a incredible experience and I highly recommend checking it out. So many distinct styles (floral, geometric, abstract, and others) that showcase the importance of beading to Indigenous peoples. But also how deeply personal, labour intensive, and complex the art of beading is.

“So to be a bead artist in this moment in time, it’s a radical act as Indigenous people and coming from cultures where colonial governments attempted to halt this practice, because in so many ways it was our strength. Radical Stitch recognizes it’s a radical act.”

Cathy Mattes, guest curator of the exhibit

My Top Favourite Reads by Indigenous Writers:

Until next time…

I’d love to know what you did in June? Have any big projects on the go? Are you trying something new?

*The top photo was taken on Mother’s Day at the McKenzie Art Gallery. FYI: Currently the first Sunday of every month are reserved for visitors who require increased safety protocols because of COVID-19.