G Is For Gone Fishing #atozchallenge

G Is For Gone Fishing

A to Z April Blogging Challenge 2016

Had I been super organized for this challenge I would have had all my posts written and scheduled in advance. I’ve done a lot of organizing my life in the last two years, but I haven’t reached that pinnacle of success yet. Maybe next year. I had better start thinking about it in May.

But then I wouldn’t be able to tell you I’ve gone fishin’. I’m not really fishing. But I’m gone for the day. Making lunch for my daughter and her friend and then hanging out. After I drop her friend back home there are errands to be done. And then it’s book club.



We’ve read a lot of great books. Books I never would have read left to my own devices. Like Missing Sarah: A Vancouver Woman Remembers Her Vanished Sister by Maggie deVries. The idea for my novel Off The Grid came from reading Maggie’s recounting of her sister’s life.

My Top Five Book Club Picks!

The Red Tent by Anita Diamant

The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Fall On Your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonald

Clara Callan by Richard B. Wright

Are you a member of a book club? Want to share a favourite book recommendation?

Others blogs for your reading pleasure!

A To Z April Blogging Challenge Theme

The Challenge

I’ve signed up for the A to Z April Blogging Challenge. This means I’ll be blogging 26 days in April. Every day except Sundays. Eeps. Challenge is right. But I have a theme and a plan and good intentions. If all else fails hopefully I’ll be too stubborn to quit.

2016 Blogging Theme

The Romance Genre: As A Writer and Reader

This year’s theme is my perspective on the romance genre as a writer and a reader. My take on some of my favourite topics like heroes, heroines, and villains. A peek at my bookshelf. Thoughts on diversity. A look at the different sub-genres of romance. That kind of thing.

The Alphabet

It’s going to be a lot of fun. I can’t wait to travel around the blogosphere seeing what other bloggers are sharing.

Now might be a good time to share some of favourite blogs. They appeal to me for a variety of reasons. Romance Novels For Feminists is written by Jackie C. Horne who provides book reviews and a smart take on the good and the not so good things and important things happening in romance novels. Momastery written by Glennon Doyle Melton, an author, speaker, and activist. She never fails to inspire me. Terribleminds penned by Chuck Wendig, novelist, screenwriter, and game designer. Lots about writing and pop culture  with A LOT of f-bombs tossed in. The Minimalst Baker by Dana and John, a couple out of Portand, Oregon. 10 or less ingredients and one bowl. Delicious!

Books, life, writing, and food!

Otherwise I’m busy rewriting the last third of Grace and Mike’s story. This last part is very bare bones. Lots of dialogue and people turning here and there so there is serious sweaty work needed to get it into half decent shape.

Have a favourite blog to share?