November has come and mostly gone. I don’t know, what is there to say about November? I did stuff? I get that November is big in the US with Thanksgiving and all, but in Canada? It’s kind of just a regular month. Unless you’re one of those cheery, bright-spirited people who already have their tree up and have decorated for Christmas while bopping around to holiday music.
I have gotten some Christmas things done! I ordered our tree, which will be here the beginning of December. I made gift tags. I also started making lists to keep organized in an effort to manage my tinsel themed holiday anxiety. Who remembers that glittery silver tinsel that you hung on the tree and that stuck to everything? My anxiety is a little bit like that tinsel. It will hang around where it’s least wanted if I don’t manage it.
Also, it snowed. Like, a lot. Winter has officially arrived. As I sit here writing, big, fluffy flakes are falling down. Again.
I’ve been writing almost every day. I’m very happy about that.

In spirit of American Thanksgiving and because it’s always good to give thanks, I’ll say I’m grateful for family and friends and the understanding and empathy we’ve felt from our loved ones this year. May the rest of 2024 be kind to you.
And, lastly:

Until next time…