This month’s highlight: I challenged myself to try something new. I went to a vintage/antique market and I had a blast. I picked up some pink depression era glass which is something that I mention in my work-in-progress. But I’m also interested in coloured glass. While I was there, I picked up the sweetest little watercolour, and a lovely gold clutch.
This month’s round up also includes a waffle breakfast sandwich. It was delicious and we’ll definitely be eating more of those. I also upped my drink game now that the warmer weather is here. My daughter also picked out a lovely pink bouquet of flowers that brightened our kitchen and our spirits.

A little bit about depression era glass. It was pretty cheap to produce so manufacturers sold it to companies who began offering it as promotional items. It was found in cereal boxes, given away at movie theatres and handed out at gas stations to encourage return customers. It came in many colours and patterns. It was free and brought a little colour into people’s lives when times were very tough.
In my work-in-progress, the heroine, Charlotte Darcy, has inherited her historical family home and is turning it into a bed and breakfast. Depression era glass would have been collected by her great grandmother, Beatrice Darcy, which, among other treasured items, are now in Charlotte’s possession.
Since I mentioned it, I thought I’d share the following is a snippet. Charlotte is hosting a cake tasting for Clare Balkwell and Francis Fisher, co-chairs of the local women’s aid group who are planning an anniversary party for their church.

That’s a round for April and May is already well underway.
Until next time…
Does anyone have an interest in collecting glass? Or anything else? Let me know in the comments.